As One That Serves (AOTS) invites all interested men and women to participate in the Biennial Convention & Central Region Roundup. We have chosen an interesting theme, “Challenging Times Ahead”, to be the focus of discussion and chit chat. The weekend is an opportunity to renew and acquire new friendships, engage in thought provoking discussion, enjoy music and worship, and consider the future of the Church.
We are continuing with the 2016 format recognizing the realities of operating a conference designed for approximately 40 people.
- We are conducting workshops and utilizing our own resources rather than inviting a theme speaker.
- The Conference will end at 11:15 AM on Sunday. Sunday Lunch is available as an option.
We recognize the need to be flexible, recognizing some people may not be available for the entire conference.
- A Saturday only rate is available.
- Contact the Registrar if you have other time limitations. He will try to accommodate your needs.
Conference Theme: Challenging Times Ahead
Challenging Times Ahead – the future seems to be clouded by uncertainties that cause us anxiety and even withdrawal. Our real challenge is to look forward with positive energy, optimism and engagement.
Friday Evening Film
Night We are screening Over 18, a feature documentary designed to combat pornography addiction among children and teens. The film will educate us on the porn industry and offer suggestions to prevent our children and grandchildren from being exposed to pornography. The screening will be followed by time for discussion.
Saturday Workshops
- Canada’s Refugees - How are they doing now with a year or more in their new country?
- How Do You Feel About The Trump Era? - What should we expect? How should we react?
- Alcohol and Gaming in the Church - What are you doing? What are the issues and concerns?
- Privilege and Whiteness - What are the benefits to those of us who are white.
The National AOTS Biennial Meeting
The central topic will be the proposed future direction for the National Executive.
Saturday Evening Encounter with Bri-anne Swan
Bri-anne Swan is the newly appointed Pioneer Minister for Living Waters Presbytery. This is an opportunity to hear about Bri-anne’s mandate, offer our insights and enjoy her artistic talent.
Sunday Worship Service Leader: Rev Maurice Francis
Music: Jim Wicks
Convention Application and Pricing
Please contact the Registrar ASAP so we can confirm attendance at JPCC
e-mail the Registrar Paul Cooper